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"Don't be afraid, mother dear," she said, and then she added a few words in Dutch before disappearing, followed by a young man and a very thin girl who were to perform with her. This was explained to me by Leautaud, who called over the names of the pupils and took down the names of those who were up to pass their examination and those who were to act with them and give them the cues.

I felt every one's gaze on my back as I climbed up the few steps on to the platform. Leautaud bent forward and whispered, "Make your bow and commence, and then stop when the chairman rings." I looked at the chairman, and saw that it was M. Auber. I had forgotten that he was director of the Conservatoire, just as I had forgotten everything else.

Madame Guerard was just beginning to tell her about the drama of the hair when my name echoed through the room: "Mademoiselle Chara Bernhardt!" It was Leautaud, who later on was prompter at the Comedie Francaise, and who had a strong accent peculiar to the natives of Auvergne. "Mademoiselle Chara Bernhardt!"

I knew nothing of all this, and wondered who was to give me the cues for Agnes. He mentioned several young men, but I interrupted him. "Oh no," I said; "I will not ask any one. I do not know any of them, and I will not ask." "Well, then, what will you recite, Mademoiselle?" asked Leautaud, with the most fouchtre accent possible. "I will recite a fable," I replied.