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"Have ye not seyn som tyme a pale face Among a prees, of him that hath be lad Toward his death, wher-as him gat no grace, And swich a colour in his face hath had, Men mighte knowe his face that was bistad, Amonges alle the faces in that route." CHAUCER. Man of Lawe's Tale. "Criticism," said Mr. Fett, with his mouth full of sausage, "is the flower of all the arts."

Ah, Giles Mercer," he added, stopping again, "and Jeff Rushton well met, lads! what, are you come to the wake? I shall be at John Lawe's in the evening, and we'll have a glass together John brews sack rarely, and spareth not the eggs." "Boh yo'n be at th' dawncing at th' Abbey, squoire," said one of the farmers.

"Perfectly," replied Nicholas. "I drink at John Lawe's to-night, Sir Thomas." So saying, he walked away. Metcalfe would have followed him, but was withheld by Potts. "Let him go, Sir Thomas," said the little man of law; "let him go. Once master of Raydale, you can do as you please. Leave the settlement of the matter to me.

Not only was John Lawe's of the Dragon full, but the Chequers, and the Swan also, and the roadside alehouse to boot. Sir Ralph Assheton had several guests at the abbey, and others were expected in the course of the day, while Doctor Ormerod had friends staying with him at the vicarage.