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In Silesia an aggregate of 32,000 acres of land has been lately drained by 73 associations; 454,800 acres in Prussia by 516 associations; in Bavaria there are 1,715 drainage and irrigation unions. For the Balkan peninsula see Laveleye's Propriete Primitive. Petersburg, 1892, which, apart from its theoretical value, is a rich compendium of data relative to this subject.

In Baden 1,256 communes out of 1,582 have communal land; in 1884-1888 they held 121,500 acres of fields in communal culture, and 675,000 acres of forests, i.e. 46 per cent. of the total area under woods. See K. Bucher, who, in a special chapter added to Laveleye's Ureigenthum, has collected all information relative to the village community in Germany. K. Bucher, ibid. pp. 89, 90.

The literature of the village community is so vast that but a few works can be named. Those of Sir Henry Maine, Mr. For France, P. Viollet, Precis de l'histoire du droit francais. For Italy and Scandinavia, the chief works are named in Laveleye's Primitive Property, German version by K. Bucher.

Also if any glimpse of Oxford Street would be visible. Then if you'll add to your favours by getting me a second-hand copy of Laveleye's 'Socialisme Contemporain, I should be for ever grateful. We are settled in here all right.