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Distant not more than a morning's drive from noisy and populous Brighton a stranger to this neighborhood could only have found his way by the compass, exactly as if he had been sailing on the sea! The farther we penetrated on our land-voyage, the more wild and the more beautiful the solitary landscape grew. The boy picked his way as he chose there were no barriers here.

Bernard determined to explore the region where this flower was said to grow, that he might see where the wild girl sought the blossoms of which Nature was so jealous. It was on a warm, fair Saturday afternoon that he undertook his land-voyage of discovery.

Bernard determined to explore the region where this flower was said to grow, that he might see where the wild girl sought the blossoms of which Nature was so jealous. It was on a warm, fair Saturday afternoon that he undertook his land-voyage of discovery.

The good God who makes us all has made them too, but has not succeeded so well as with you and me." I happen to be one of the few people who can read dogs' language as written in dogs' faces. I correctly report the language of the gentleman sheep-dog on this occasion. We opened the gate of the rectory, and passed in. So my Land-Voyage over the South Down Hills came prosperously to its end.

Bernard determined to explore the region where this flower was said to grow, that he might see where the wild girl sought the blossoms of which Nature was so jealous. It was on a warm, fair Saturday afternoon that he undertook his land-voyage of discovery.