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A classification which is practical is that of acute and chronic laminitis. To the practicing veterinarian it is this manner of consideration that is essential in the handling of these cases. Symptomatology. In the acute attack the condition is so well described by Dr. R.C. Moore that we quote him in part as follows: The acute form is generally ushered in very suddenly.

Give the nature and treatment of quarter- and toe-cracks. Give the symptoms and causes of laminitis. Give lines of treatment to be followed in the different forms of laminitis. How may laminitis be prevented? Fracture of the angle and neck of the ileum may be classed among the common fractures in horses and cattle. Fractures involving other parts of the pelvic bones are less common.

A peculiar characteristic position is assumed in acute laminitis of the fore feet. In such instances, the hind feet are brought forward under the body sufficiently to relieve the front feet of the weight, insofar as is possible by the abnormal position taken in cases of acute laminitis.

Death is usually due to generalization of the arthritic infection. In the meanwhile, if the character of the infectious material is not so virulent, the disease will take on a slower course and the subject may experience laminitis from supporting weight upon the sound member, or because of continued recumbency, decubital gangrene and emaciation sometimes cause death.