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A similar example of animal life in the absence of light is to be found in the fauna of caves and grottoes. This was first made known to the world by Austrian and American naturalists. The well known Adelsberg grotto in Krain, and the gigantic Mammoth Cave in Kentucky, furnished much interesting material for a detailed study of the biological conditions of subterraneous animal life.

I set out to describe the province of Krain, and now I have strayed from the highway up one of those curling roads to one of those white castles, only to lose myself in the thicket of Romance beyond. Perhaps it does not matter. Anyway, it was on the slope of a green meadow all among the mountains of Krain that the girl was sitting, herself unminded, minding her cows.

"That holy man, Frederick Baraga, missionary among the Indians at Lacroix, on Lake Superior, has returned to his father-land, Krain; and I am chosen by Heaven to go forth as Minister Extraordinary of Christ, to unite all nations and people in one church!"

It is, however, not confined to mineralogy, but contains curious notices on some tribes inhabiting Transylvania and the adjacent districts, very little known: it is translated into French. Ferber, Physikalisch-metallurgische Abhandlunger uber die Gebirge and Bergewecke in Ungarn. Berlin, 1780. 8vo. Balthazar Hacquet, Reise von dem Berge Terglou in Krain, au den Berg Glokner in Tyrol, 1779 1781.

After a short pause he continued; "If you wish to know who I am, I can tell you in few words. I think you will not find the story without interest." He then went on to relate the circumstances recorded in the following chapter. "I was born in the city of Stein, in the land of Krain.