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The non-commissioned officer hurried toward him, saluting as his heels clicked together before his superior. "Take this black dog back to his people," he ordered. "See that they leave at once. Shoot the first man who comes within range of camp tonight." Sheik Amor ben Khatour drew himself up to his full height. His evil eyes narrowed.

Presently the sergeant and this Arab rode side by side toward camp. Jacot awaited them. The two reined in and dismounted before him. "Sheik Amor ben Khatour," announced the sergeant by way of introduction. Captain Jacot eyed the newcomer. He was acquainted with nearly every principal Arab within a radius of several hundred miles. This man he never had seen.

"Come!" he commanded, and dragged her from The Sheik's tent and to his own. After they had gone The Sheik chuckled. "When I send her north in a few months," he soliloquized, "they will know the reward for slaying the son of the sister of Amor ben Khatour." And in Ali ben Kadin's tent Meriem pleaded and threatened, but all to no avail.

Sheik Amor ben Khatour dropped the spilled gold pieces one by one back into the purse. Jacot was eyeing him narrowly. They were alone. The sergeant, having introduced the visitor, had withdrawn to some little distance his back was toward them. Now the sheik, having returned all the gold pieces, held the bulging purse outward upon his open palm toward Captain Jacot.