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Ramusio, V. f. 372. p. 2 Strabo, I. 11. Plin. I. 6. c. 11. Newfoundland? Jidda. Leo Afric. Ramus. v. 1. f. 373. Summary of Portuguese Discoveries, from the Commencement of the Fifteenth Century, to the Discovery of America by Columbus .

The same evening, at latitude 21 degrees 30' north, the Nautilus was afloat on the surface of the sea and drawing nearer to the Arab coast. I spotted Jidda, an important financial center for Egypt, Syria, Turkey, and the East Indies.

Large areas, walled in for the reception of the merchandize brought by the caravans, are to be seen in various parts of the town, which is large, containing probably five or six thousand inhabitants; the streets are wide and airy, regular market places are found there, where, beside meat, butter, grain and vegetables are also to be purchased, spices brought from Jidda, gum arabic, beads, and other ornaments for the women.

In this situation it was found by Marco Polo. The ships which came from the East, did not pass the straits, but landed their cargoes at Aden; here the trankies of the Arabs, which brought the produce of Europe, Syria, and Egypt, received them, and conveyed them to Assab, Cosir, or Jidda: ultimately they reached Alexandria.

The reign closed amid turbulence and humiliations massacre and bombardment at Jidda, massacre and Franco-British coercion in Syria from all of which the sultan took refuge with women and wine, to meet in 1861 a drunkard's end.

Outside the city limits, some wood or reed huts indicated the quarter where the bedouins lived. Soon Jidda faded into the shadows of evening, and the Nautilus went back beneath the mildly phosphorescent waters. The next day, February 10, several ships appeared, running on our opposite tack.