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Yet they show no aptitude for the civilised life of towns, and, like the rest of the Brazilian tribes, seem incapable of any further advance in culture. In their former wars they exterminated two of the neighbouring peoples, the Jumas and the Jacares, and make now an annual expedition against the Pararauates, and one or two other similar wild tribes who inhabit the interior of the land.

On another occasion, late in the day, a flock passed by, gleaming white with black points in the long afternoon lights, and with them were spoonbills, showing rosy amid their snowy companions. Caymans, always called jacares, swarmed; and we killed scores of the noxious creatures. They were singularly indifferent to our approach and to the sound of the shots.

The outfit furnished by the American Museum was excellent except in guns and cartridges; this gun was so bad that Miller had to use Fiala's gun or else my Fox 12-bore. In the late afternoon we secured a more interesting creature than the jacares. Kermit had charge of two hounds which we owed to the courtesy of one of our Argentine friends.

Yet these pond jacares never actually molested even our dogs in the ponds, far less us on our horses. This same day others of our party had an interesting experience with the creatures in another pond. They found a deepish pond a hundred yards or so long and thirty or forty across.