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Honest, they develops into a pair of reg'lar cut-ups, and seems to be havin' the time of their lives discoverin' that I thought Cleopatra must be one of the Russian ballet and Francis Bacon a new movie star. "And yet," says Waldo, inspectin' me curious, "your employers intrust you with a ten thousand dollar check." "They've never got onto me, the way you have," says I.

"'I've got me orders to do this work, I says begging his pardon. "'Here's your orders to stop doin' it! he comes back. An' I was inspectin' the muzzle av his six-shooter. "'Ye wudn't shoot a mon for doin' his duthy? I says. "'Thry me, he says. 'You're trespassers. The railroad company didn't come through wid the coin for the right-of-way.

"I haven't slep a wink," said he, "sence we left Grand Pre, and that's more'n human natur can ginrally stand; so now I'm bound to have my sleep out, an prepare for the next trip. You boys had better emply yourselves in inspectin this here village." "When shall we leave Quaco?" "Wal, I'll think that over. I haven't yet made up my mind as to what's best to be done next. One thing seems certain.

Gammon, apparently having his own ideas as to a witch-hunt, but Hiram shook the big cigar at him fiercely. "We ain't got time nor inclination for inspectin' coffin-plates, wax-flowers, bewitched iron kittles, balky horses, and old ganders. Who is this woman and where does she live, and what's the matter with her?"