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The most important city of the southern region was at the time Obolla which was situated on a canal or backwater derived from the Euphrates, not far from the modern Busrah. It was the great emporium for the Indian trade, and was known as the limes Indorum or "frontier city towards India." The Persian governor was a certain Hormuz or Hormisdas who held the post with 20,000 men.

40 De multis regionibus Imperio Tartariae subiectis. 41 De magnificentia Imperatoris Indiae. 42 De frequentia Palatij, et comitatu Imperatoris praesbiteri Ioannis. 43 De quisbusdam miris per Regiones Imperij Indiae. 44 De loco et dispositione Vallis infaustae. 45 De quibusdam alijs admirandis, per Indorum insulas. 46 De periculis et tormentis in valle infausta.

One of the chapters in this Latin Essay is entitled De Indorum Poetarum Canticis sive Prosodiis, in which he introduces Ixtlilxochitl's translation and also a song in the original Nahuatl, but the latter is doubtless of late date and unimportant as a really native production.