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He shouted "hurrah" until it was strange that they did not hear him in the houses but they didn't, and he hurried back to the wild geese, out in the wet morass, as fast as his legs could carry him. Thursday, March thirty-first. The following day the wild geese intended to travel northward through Allbo district, in Småland. They sent Iksi and Kaksi to spy out the land.

But Akka had evidently made up her mind to help the black rats. She called Iksi from Vassijaure, and ordered him to take the wild geese over to Vonib Lake; and when the geese made excuses, she said authoritatively: "I believe it will be best for us all that you obey me. I must fly over to the big stone house, and if you follow me, the people on the place will be sure to see us, and shoot us down.

It was only upon the eyes that time had had no effect. They shone brighter as if they were younger than any of the others! She turned, very haughtily, toward the goosey-gander. "Understand, Mr. Tame-goose, that I am Akka from Kebnekaise! And that the goose who flies nearest me to the right is Iksi from Vassijaure, and the one to the left, is Kaksi from Nuolja!

They did not speak to them; and when they were gone, they shook themselves as if their feathers had been mud-spattered. "Such a lot of gray rats abroad!" said Iksi from Vassipaure. "That's not a good omen."

Yes, there were Akka, Iksi, Kolmi, Nelja, Viisi, Knusi, all the six goslings, the goosey-gander, Dunfin and Thumbietot; but Kaksi from Nuolja, the first left-hand goose, was missing and no one knew anything about her fate. When the wild geese discovered that no one but Kaksi had been separated from the flock, they took the matter lightly. Kaksi was old and wise.