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Updated: September 28, 2024
From the extreme wrath of the insulted peasants, the travellers were apprehensive of some worse assault; and hurrying out of the village, weary, and hunger-smitten, bivouacked under a tree, determined never again to question a Hessian's Christianity, even under the gallows. On one occasion, Mr. Coleridge entered into some of his college scenes, to one of which I may here refer.
The delicate colored maid rustled in the scarcely worn silk of her young mistress, while the servant men were equally well attired from the over-flowing wardrobe of their young masters; so that, in dress, as well as in form and feature, in manner and speech, in tastes and habits, the distance between these favored few, and the sorrow and hunger-smitten multitudes of the quarter and the field, was immense; and this is seldom passed over.
I wish you to go with me to visit an old woman, and, after that, to walk home with me part of the way, at least." The boy, whose pinched, hunger-smitten face had an expression of almost supernatural intelligence on it, bestowed on me a quick, earnest glance. "No dodges? Honour bright? You ain't a school-board buffer?" he asked. "No dodges. Honour bright," I replied, with a smile.
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