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"My sole object, Count von Hemelstein," he said, "is to stop this war and settle these 'little difficulties, as you call them, without further loss of life. If your Government will allow me to take back to England some assurance that it is now willing to discuss a settlement, I know that my Government will keep out of the discussion."

He and his men and all his belongings the latter carefully listed in triplicate were put into a private car, and locked in, like a rich American with the smallpox whom they were sending out of the country; while, to add to his comfort, he was told that Count von Hemelstein was to act as his escort.

"I may add," he went on, as von Hemelstein seemed to hesitate, "that this is my last and only proposition, and you can take that or nothing. I will die here in this box before I will sell my invention to any European Government; but you may have it as a free gift, Count, if you have the nerve to go after it. There is a challenge to your boasted Prussian valour!

Then after a few words with his other friends in the Embassy, he went back to the hotel. The next morning Count von Hemelstein called, and it was quite like meeting an old friend. Edestone was really sorry when, the Count leaving him at the door of General Headquarters said: "This is where I turn you over to my superiors.