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The quiet unpretending house, with its exquisite neatness and its abundance of books, the family life, with the heart-happiness underneath, and the gentle trust and courtesy on the surface, the little touches of austerity which betrayed themselves here and there in the household ways all these surroundings stole into the lad's imagination, touched in him responsive fibres of taste and feeling.

The quiet unpretending house with its exquisite neatness and its abundance of books, the family life, with the heart-happiness underneath, and the gentle trust and courtesy on the surface, the little touches of austerity which betrayed themselves here and there in the household ways all these surroundings stole into the lad's imagination, touched in him responsive fibres of taste and feeling.

The trees in the distant orchard wore bridal veils, and even Gnulemah's breath was not much sweeter than theirs! Emerging arm in arm on the enchanted lawn the lovers turned southwards up the winding avenue. The fragrance, the light and warmth, the bird and insect voices, imperfectly expressed their own heart-happiness. The living turf softly pressed up their feet.

It was characterized by high-breeding, which made it not only unrestrained but polished, cultivating the heart and the manners to feeling and refinement; making society what it should be a source of enjoyment and heart-happiness, free from jealousies, rivalries, and regrets.