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'You observe that? and he pointed specially to the transverse line across the heel. 'Do you know that? The woman assented. 'Who made or mended these shoes? 'Bill Heaney, the shoemaker, down in Martin's-row, there 'twas he made them, and mended them, too, Sir.

We purposed to spend a few months in Rhodesia, but such is the frailty of human plans that eventually we stayed in South Africa for one year and three months. Dr. Jameson was our fellow-passenger to Cape Town, and with him we travelled up to Bulawayo, and passed five weeks there as the guests of Major Maurice Heaney.

The President's favourite psalm was said to be the 144th, which he always believed was written to apply specially to the Boers. Short whip. Major Heaney is an American, and was one of the pioneers who accompanied Dr. Jameson to Mashonaland in 1891. Mr. Richard Solomon, then Attorney-General, now Sir Richard Solomon. "War seldom enters, but where wealth allures."

The little boys is called caddies; but Clarence Heaney that tol' me all this he belongs to th' Foorth Wa-ard Goluf an' McKinley Club said what th' little boys calls th' players'd not be fit f'r to repeat. "Well, whin ye dhrive up to th' tea grounds" "Th' what?" demanded Mr. Hennessy. "Th' tea grounds, that's like th' homeplate in base-ball or ordherin' a piece iv chalk in a game iv spoil five.