United States or Côte d'Ivoire ? Vote for the TOP Country of the Week !

Everything was to be divided, and everyone made alike. Houses and lands were to be distributed by lots, and the mighty man and the beggar the old man and the hobble-de-hoy the industrious man and the spendthrift, the maimed, the cripple, and the blind, the clever man of business, and the haveril simpleton, made all just brethern, and alike. Save us! but to think of such nonsense!

A little north of this part of the country rises the River Stour, which for a course of fifty miles or more parts the two counties of Suffolk and Essex, passing through or near Haveril, Clare, Cavendish, Halsted, Sudbury, Bowers, Nayland, Stretford, Dedham, Manningtree, and into the sea at Harwich, assisting by its waters to make one of the best harbours for shipping that is in Great Britain I mean Orwell Haven or Harwich, of which I have spoken largely already.

The vacancy created in the borough of Lansmere by Audley Egerton's death was filled up by our old acquaintance, Haveril Dashmore, who had unsuccessfully contested that seat on Egerton's first election. The naval officer was now an admiral, and perfectly reconciled to the Constitution, with all its alloy of aristocracy. Dick Avenel did not retire from parliament so soon as he had anticipated.

The vacancy created in the borough of Lansmere by Audley Egerton's death was filled up by our old acquaintance, Haveril Dashmore, who had unsuccessfully contested that seat on Egerton's first election. The naval officer was now an admiral, and perfectly reconciled to the Constitution, with all its alloy of aristocracy. Dick Avenel did not retire from parliament so soon as he had anticipated.

Many a faithful dog has been scolded aye, and maybe struck, by his maister when he had quicker ears than the foolish man, and was giving warning of danger. "Ye think me, my lord, a silly and cankered auld haveril, and that my head is full of prejudices and fancies. Would to God that I were wrong.