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He could not find or hear of a case of cancer among the 'Hamites, as he termed them. And from the fact that he found the disease, to be an unknown one to the Esquimaux of Greenland, he is assured that climate has nothing whatever to do with it. Climate did not cause it, and climate will not cure it." Cancer Caused by Over-Living

Besides the Belemnite there are other genera, such as Baculites and Hamites, never found in strata newer than the cretaceous, but frequently met with in these Maestricht beds. On the other hand, Voluta, Fasciolaria, and other genera of univalve shells, usually met with only in tertiary strata, occur. The upper part of the rock, about 20 feet thick, as seen in St.

Senn studied the African generally in his voyage along the East Coast of that continent. "'It was a fine trip, he said, 'with so many things to learn. Ethnologically I am certain Africans are of common stock. The negro is a negro wherever you find him. From Kaffir to Bushman and pygmy they are all Hamites. "'They are mostly a fine people physically, lean and tall, except the dwarfs.

According to this passage the early Chaldaeans should be Hamites, not Semites Ethiopians, not Aramaans; they should present analogies and points of connection with the inhabitants of Egypt and Abyssinia, of Southern Arabia and Mekran, not with those of Upper Mesopotamia, Syria, Phoenicia, and Palestine.

In the study of ethnology we first recognized the more civilized races. The Aryan, Hamites, Shemites, and Chinese, and the rest were the weeds of humanity the barbarian and savage, sometimes called Turanians. But, when we come carefully to study these lower people, what numbers of races are discovered!