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"About six weeks before the time for discounting he wrote in and said that as his trade had been very good indeed they could ship additional dozens on all the items that he had cut down to half-dozens, and in this way he ran his bill to over $1,300." "Well, you got a good one out of him that season, all right." "Yes where the chicken got the ax.

Knots of twos, threes, and half-dozens lingered and talked eagerly, with emphatic gestures and much shaking of heads. Many who disliked rough weather from any cause avoided their fellow-members, and glided hastily in, looking worried and uncomfortable.

What with the heat of the day and the heaviness of the equipment and the after-effects of the noisome deck, the men could scarcely be blamed for availing themselves of such hospitality, though to drink intoxicants on the march is suicidal. Men "fell out," first by ones and twos, then by whole half-dozens and dozens.

Exercise must wait for a more suitable time." "Exercise!" panted the lady indignantly, "why, I was just killing myself to get up to a store, and buy some butter for your breakfast, I had quite forgotten to bring any." "We have ordered it," said Hugh "six pounds of it. My little lady friend here informs me that it is the correct thing to order groceries in half-dozens.