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Behind the source, and reached by a winding path cut in the rocks, is a lofty chasm, from the summit of which another mountain stream falls with beautiful effect; and no less impressive and curious are the so-called Grottes des Sarrazins, a little further off, huge caverns shutting in a little lake, and where the river rushes with a sound of thunder.

The long barrow of Moustoir-Carnac contained four separate chambers, the western one of which is a dolmen of the kind known as GROTTES DES FEES, and is supposed to be much older than the rest of the group.

In describing the Saleve, our author proceeds to mention other appearances equally conclusive with regard to the operations of water, but such as may be found over all the surface of the globe, to have been brought about by natural causes. «Ce que l'on nomme le Grottes de l'Hermitage, ou ces excavations profondes de 30 pieds, et 8 ou 10 fois aussi longues produites par la destruction totale de plusieurs couches de rocher.

The Grottes de Meschers are said to have been used by the Huguenots at a time when it was perilous to assemble in a house for preaching or psalm-singing. But it is also quite possible that they served as refuges as well to the Catholics, when the Calvinists had the upper hand; as, indeed, they had for long.