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Some of them are as bright yet as when they came from the foundry. Look here!" Old Sechard pounced upon some packets of unused sorts, and held them out for David to see. "I am not book-learned; I don't know how to read or write; but, all the same, I know enough to see that M. Gille's sloping letters are the fathers of your Messrs. Didot's English running-hand.

Didot only ask thirty-six sous for their Cicero! These nail-heads of yours will only fetch the price of old metal fivepence a pound." "You call M. Gille's italics, running-hand and round-hand, 'nail-heads, do you? M. Gille, that used to be printer to the Emperor! And type that costs six francs a pound! masterpieces of engraving, bought only five years ago.

The genealogist had had a jeweller cut on an old seal during the night the arms of the de Lincys. Speculating much, but saying little in reply to Gille's garrulity, he set off with him to the old noble's attic.

Some of them are as bright yet as when they came from the foundry. Look here!" Old Sechard pounced upon some packets of unused sorts, and held them out for David to see. "I am not book-learned; I don't know how to read or write; but, all the same, I know enough to see that M. Gille's sloping letters are the fathers of your Messrs. Didot's English running-hand.

Didot only ask thirty-six sous for their Cicero! These nail-heads of yours will only fetch the price of old metal fivepence a pound." "You call M. Gille's italics, running-hand and round-hand, 'nail-heads, do you? M. Gille, that used to be printer to the Emperor! And type that costs six francs a pound! masterpieces of engraving, bought only five years ago.