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It is a native of the Argentine Provinces, and flowers in May. The treatment recommended for E. gibbosus will be found suitable for this. It is happiest when grafted on to another kind.

It requires warm greenhouse treatment, and plenty of water during the summer, care being taken that the soil it is planted in is perfectly drained. Mag. 4184. This species has many characters in common with E. hexaedrophorus and E. gibbosus, the stem being no larger than a small orange, with plump globose tubercles, bearing star-shaped clusters of short brown spines.

Inhabits rocky shores, and is not common. Specimen caught by the hook, on the 4th April, 1841. Good eating. No. 21. HELOTES? Native names, BOORA, BOWRU, also CHARLUP. The "Pokey," or "small Trumpeter" of the sealers. "Rays, D. 11 1-11; A. 2-11; etc." Inhabits rocky places. Good to eat. Caught by the seine, on the 3rd March, 1841. No. 24. CHEILODACTYLUS GIBBOSUS. Solander. Icon. Ined. Banks.

Like E. gibbosus, it does best when grafted on to another kind. We have seen perfect "drum-sticks" formed by grafting a full-grown plant of this on the stem of a Cereus. Stem globose, usually flattened on the top, and divided into eight or nine large ribs or ridges, grey-green in colour.