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Now that day that Isaac was weaned, that day was Ishmael rejected; and suppose that Isaac was three years old before he was weaned, that was but the seventeenth year of Ishmael; wherefore the day of God's grace was ended with him betimes; Gen. xvii. 24, 25; chap. xxi. 2-11; Gal. iv. 30.

Inhabits rocky shores, and is not common. Specimen caught by the hook, on the 4th April, 1841. Good eating. No. 21. HELOTES? Native names, BOORA, BOWRU, also CHARLUP. The "Pokey," or "small Trumpeter" of the sealers. "Rays, D. 11 1-11; A. 2-11; etc." Inhabits rocky places. Good to eat. Caught by the seine, on the 3rd March, 1841. No. 24. CHEILODACTYLUS GIBBOSUS. Solander. Icon. Ined. Banks.

Is a rare inhabitant of rocky shores. Caught by hook, 17th August, 1841. Poor eating. No. 20. LABRUS? Native name, KNELMICK, KIELMICK, or KIELNMICK. "Rock-cod" of the sealers. "Rays, D. 22; A. 14." Tail square. Very common on rocky coasts. Soft, indifferent eating. Caught by the hook, 3rd May, 1841. No. 9. LABRUS? Native name, PARIL. "Common rock-fish of the sealers. "Rays, D. 9-11; A. 2-11, etc."