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Take, for example, the following typical menu for a dollar dinner, served at the Fior d'Italia, and compare it with the fifty-cent dinner just mentioned: Salami and anchovies; salad; chicken broth with Italian paste; fillet of English sole, sauce tartare; spaghetti or ravioli; escallop of veal, caper sauce; French peas with butter; roast chicken with chiffon salad; ice cream or fried cream; assorted fruits and cakes; demi tasse.

In the concert room, the superannuated artistes of the poorer kind of Continental concert hall shrieked and grimaced and ogled, and after every item of the show, the performer came round with an escallop shell into which the more generously disposed dropped small copper coins. The place was nearly always crowded with men in black frock-coats and crimson fezzes.

Cut the whites into thin slices and rub the yolks through a coarse sieve. Mix both parts lightly, and after putting the mixture into an escallop dish pour over it a sauce made as follows: Put two tablespoonfuls of butter into a frying pan, and when it has been melted add a heaping tablespoonful of flour. Stir until the mixture is smooth and frothy, then gradually add a pint of cold milk.

"Lamb chops and brains breaded sweetbreads escallop of veal fresh mushrooms Italian squash when in season asparagus or cauliflower fried in fresh butter dipped in beaten eggs lime jus."