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In the earlier stages of our occupation some of the officers at G.H.Q. did a little coursing and shooting, but there was trouble about délits de chasse, and now you are allowed to shoot nothing but big game namely, Germans although I have heard of an irresponsible Irishman in the trenches who vaulted the parapet to bag a hare and, what is more remarkable, returned with it.

Also they smoothed over little misunderstandings about délits de chasse, gently forbore to smile at our French, and assisted in the issue of the laisser-passer. Doubtless they performed many much more weighty and mysterious duties, but I only speak of what I know.

He was eager to give us advice about France and the French. "I like the French," he said, "but you can't trust them. Look out for bad money. They're terrors for bad money. I'd have been done oftener myself, only that luckily I married a Frenchwoman. She's in the ticket office at the Maison des Delits you probably know the name it's a dancing-hall in Montmartre.

'Chaque pays a ses coutumes, said he; but in the report of any gendarme, perhaps corruptly eager to increase the number of delits and the instruments of his own power, custom after custom is placed on the expurgatorial index.

Italian jurist, whose "Traite des delits et des peines" contributed to the reforms and the softening of of European penal law. "While the Duke of Orleans was undergoing his examination he read a newspaper." Ibid., 497. "Nobody died with more firmness, spirit and dignity than the Duke of Orleans. He again became a royal prince.