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In reply to his inquiries, he was told by Aunt Judy, that "somehow or ’nother, Miss Julia had got wind of Mr. Dunn’s death, and it had gone to her head, makin’ her ravin’ mad, and the doctor said she wouldn’t get well." Aunt Judy was right; Julia had accidently heard of Mr. Dunn’s death, and it added greatly to the nervous excitement which she was already suffering, and when Dr.

"I should like to have a few moments’ private conference with her, if you’ve no objection, sir," replied Mr. Dunn. "A few moments private fiddlestick," answered Mr. Middleton. "What the devilwhose little boy are you? Ain’t you Miss Dunn’s little boy? You’d better scratch gravel for home, and if I catch you here again dickerin’ after Fanny, I’ll pull every corn-colored hair out of your head!"

"Good morning, Miss Julia!" said Mr. Dunn; "glad to see you. Fine morning." Julia did not deign to reply, for Mr. Dunn’s familiarity was exceedingly disgusting to her. She, however, handed him her letter, which he looked at in some surprise, and said in a low tone, "Is this letter from Fanny, or you?"

When he awoke Billy Jeffrey, who lived near, was sitting by him. To Mrs. Dunn’s delight, Joseph was sane, and calling her to him he said, "Isn’t Julia Middleton to be married tonight?" "She is," answered his mother. "At what hour?" "At seven." "What time is it now?" "Half-past six," replied Mrs. Dunn.