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Woe to those fathers whose sons face my might. If, however, you are one of the immortals and have come down from heaven, I will not fight you; for even valiant Lycurgus, son of Dryas, did not live long when he took to fighting with the gods.

I was disposed to admire, and prepared to prove that I admired. I could have embraced a sapling and swooned as I called upon Dryas or Syrinx. Then, by-and-by, in the fulness of the time I saw a slim solitary girl ahead of me in a glade, walking bolt upright with a huge faggot of sticks upon her head. It was growing dusk.

Nobody knows Dryas any longer; one has hardly heard speak of Exadius, or of Cenæus; and as for Polyphemus equal to the gods, he has not too good a reputation, unless the possession of a big eye in one's forehead, and the eating of men raw, are to have something of the divine. Antiquity is full of eulogies of another more remote antiquity.

I in the days that are past have in fellowship mingled with heroes Mightier even than you, yet among them I never was slighted. Never their like did I see, nor shall look on their equals hereafter Such as Perithöus was, or as Dryas the shepherd of people, Kaineus, Exadius too the compeer of the bless'd, Polyphemus; Ægeus' glorious son, as a God in his countenance, Theseus.

The English enthusiast brings home primroses from the Himalayas, gentians from the Swiss Alps, and Dryas Drummondi from the Canadian Rockies for his rock garden, but he does not fail to take advantage of some of the common things near-by even the "pale primrose" and the cowslip. From ferns alone, or from only plants of shrubby growth, a most beautiful native rock garden may be made.