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Lawyer Brodie, who was present, arose under a thunder of discordant notes "Copperhead!" "Traitor!" "Dough-face!" "We don't want to hear from rebel sympathizers! Out with him!" and other more opprobrious taunts. Now, Brodie was Boone's counsel, and had been identified with him in some very difficult litigation. It would not do to have him discredited. The chairman rapped loudly for order.

A special word about PIECES IN EARLY YOUTH at the end. A majority of the sketches appear'd first in the "Democratic Review," others in the "Columbian Magazine," or the "American Review," of that period. A Dough-Face Song came out first in the "Evening Post" Blood-Money, and Wounded in the House of Friends, in the "Tribune." A Memorandum at a Venture, in same periodical, some time afterward.

Judge Douglas was what was then called a "dough-face" by the Abolitionists being a Northern man with Southern principles, or "proclivities," as he called them. Only a little earlier, and several years after Mr.

There was another reason why the slaveholders preferred the election of Lincoln to that of Douglas. They were resolved to defeat Douglas at all hazards, and they succeeded. Douglas had been very distasteful to the Abolitionists. They called him a "dough-face." Nevertheless, quite a number of them where I lived in Missouri voted for him.