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Diaetetica, p. 64. SPEEDWELL. Veronica spicata. This is used by our common people as a substitute for tea, and is said to possess a somewhat astringent taste, like green tea. SPOTTED HAWKWEED. Hypochaeris maculata. The leaves are eaten as salad, and are also boiled. STINGING-NETTLE. Urtica dioica.

It would appear as if they had become habituated to contact of this kind, for the pressure thus caused must have been much greater than that caused by a loop of soft thread weighing only the one-sixteenth of a grain. I have, however, seen several tendrils of Bryonia dioica interlocked, but they subsequently released one another.

Owing to the spiral contraction which soon ensues, the tendrils were never able to remain, excepting in one instance, in contact with a thick post or a nearly flat surface; if they had quickly become attached by means of the adhesive layer, this would evidently have been of service to the plant. The tendrils of Bryonia dioica, Cucurbita ovifera, and Cucumis sativa are sensitive and revolve.

MEADOW-CLOVER. The inhabitants of Scania employ the heads to dye their woollen cloth green. URTICA dioica. NETTLE. The roots of bettles are used to dye eggs of a yellow colour against the feast of Easter by the religious of the Greek church, as are also madder and logwood for the same purpose. XANTHIUM strumarium. LESSER BURBOCK. The whole herb with the fruit dyes a most beautiful yellow.