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I mean to give up such nonsense and mind my own business. Hark! What the deuse is that odd noise in his chamber? I think I am a little superstitious. There were two things, when I was a boy, that diabolized my imagination, I mean, that gave me a distinct apprehension of a formidable bodily shape which prowled round the neighborhood where I was born and bred.

The surgeon administered snow and brandy. Kate sipped these, and gulped down her sobs, and at last cried composedly. But when it came to sipping brandied snow and crying comfortably, Major Rickards's anxiety gave place to curiosity. Without taking his eye off her, he beckoned Mr. Hammersley apart, and whispered, "Who the Deuse is it?" "Don't you know?" whispered the other in return.

I mean to give up such nonsense and mind my own business. Hark! What the deuse is that odd noise in his chamber? I think I am a little superstitious. There were two things, when I was a boy, that diabolized my imagination, I mean, that gave me a distinct apprehension of a formidable bodily shape which prowled round the neighborhood where I was born and bred.

Half a dozen persons were lounging in the room, awaiting an audience; and as we were the last comers, of course all eyes were directed upon us, and we could read an expression upon their faces, as much as to say, "what in the deuse do they want with the governor?"