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The basis for both sexes being present, the one which shall predominate or be expressed in the individual must depend upon the quantitative relation between the determiners which come together at fertilization.

So the chemicals involved, though not yet isolated, must be presumed to be qualitatively different, since they produce such different results. But such experiments also indicate that both determiners must be present in some proportions in every individual of either sex.

These fecials Numa Pompilius, the mildest and justest of kings, constituted guardians of peace, and the judges and determiners of all causes by which war may justifiably be made.

It was evident merely by shaking hands with Burroughs that he thought both the Athertons and the Burroughses just the right combination. He was one of those few men against whom I conceive an instinctive prejudice, and in this case I felt positive that, whatever faults the Atherton germ plasm might contain, he had combined others from the determiners of that of the other ancestors he boasted.

We thus have a suggestion of a struggle, political and religious, between the more civilized Aryans and the savage Tataric tribes around them. These generalizations, however, had little influence on the development of the theological side of the religion, which has continued to regard Ahura Mazda and Angro Mainyu as the two heads of the world and the determiners of human life.

Secondly, they ignore totally the powers of the vegetative apparatus, the viscera, muscles and secreting glands together, as originators and determiners of the wish and its adventures. How utterly different, from the point of view of the physiologist, the two explanations are as pictures, can be seen from a single example.