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Following the edge of the precipice, we came at last to a glen, down which ran a rough footpath that finally conducted us, by a long road through the forests, to the village of Daghje Koei, where we are now encamped. The place seems to be devoted to the making of flints, and the streets are filled with piles of the chipped fragments.

"There is a temple in ruin stands, Fashioned by long-forgotten hands; Two or three columns and many a stone, Marble and granite, with grass o'ergrown! Out upon Time! it will leave no more Of the things to come than the things before!" Daghje Koei, on the Rhyndacus, July 6, 1852. On entering Kiutahya, we passed the barracks, which were the residence of Kossuth and his companions in exile.

Entrance into Kiutahya The New Khan An Unpleasant Discovery Kiutahya The Citadel Panorama from the Walls The Gorge of the Mountains Camp in a Meadow The Valley of the Rhyndacus Chavduer The Ruins of OEzani The Acropolis and Temple The Theatre and Stadium Ride down the Valley Camp at Daghje Koei

From Daghje Kuei, there were two roads to Taushanlue, but the people informed us that the one which led across the mountains was difficult to find, and almost impracticable. We therefore took the river road, which we found picturesque in the highest degree.