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Updated: November 22, 2024

The tinned tops of the minarets of Taushanlue shone over the top of a hill in front, and there was a large town nearly opposite, on the other bank of the Rhyndacus, and seven small villages scattered about in various directions. Most of the latter, however, were merely the winter habitations of the herdsmen, who are now living in tents on the mountain tops.

Journey Down the Valley The Plague of Grasshoppers A Defile The Town of Taushanlue The Camp of Famine We leave the Rhyndacus The Base of Olympus Primeval Forests The Guard-House Scenery of the Summit Forests of Beech Saw-Mills Descent of the Mountain The View of Olympus Morning The Land of Harvest Aineghioel A Showery Ride The Plain of Brousa The Structure of Olympus We reach Brousa The Tent is Furled.

From Daghje Kuei, there were two roads to Taushanlue, but the people informed us that the one which led across the mountains was difficult to find, and almost impracticable. We therefore took the river road, which we found picturesque in the highest degree.

All over the valley, the peasants were at work in the harvest-fields, cutting and binding grain, gathering opium from the poppies, or weeding the young tobacco. In the south, over the rim of the hills that shut in this pastoral solitude, rose the long blue summits of Urus Dagh. We rode into Taushanlue, which is a long town, filling up a hollow between two stony hills.

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