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'Few words, perhaps, are more apt to be misapplied than the string of adjectives treated of in the section next quoted namely, benevolent, beneficent, charitable, munificent, liberal, bountiful, philanthropic. 'Benevolent and beneficent, together with their conjugates, have curiously diverged from their original meaning.

The Londoner cannot keep the small and loose order of the grammar of good English; the Genoese conjugates his patois verbs, with subjunctives and all things of that handsome kind, lacked by the English of Universities. The middle class the piccolo mondo hat shares Italian dialect with the poor are more strictly local in their manners than either the opulent or the indigent of the same city.

I have often wondered whether any of these men proved that, in all the common schools of New York, the power which conjugates the verbs comes, through some invisible conduit in the earth, from the falls of Niagara. This would be quite like many of the theories propounded. Babbage's "Budget of Paradoxes" is a goodly volume descriptive of efforts of this sort.

"Is it of the slightest possible importance which of the two curves controls the Projectile?" "Not the slightest except in the Eye of Science!" "Then let the Eye of Science and her parabolas and hyperbolas, and conjugates, and asymptotes, and the rest of the confounded nonsensical farrago, all go to pot! What's the use of bothering your heads about them here!

The Londoner cannot keep the small and loose order of the grammar of good English; the Genoese conjugates his patois verbs, with subjunctives and all things of that handsome kind, lacked by the English of Universities. The middle class the piccolo mondo that shares Italian dialect with the poor are more strictly local in their manners than either the opulent or the indigent of the same city.