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Our conversation during dinner was desultory; but after the first bottle, Atkinson became communicative, and his history not only made me feel better inclined towards him, but afforded me another instance, as well as Carbonnell's, how often it is that those who would have done well are first plundered, and then driven to desperation by the heartlessness of the world.

"I did intend to scold you well; but I suppose that sad affair of poor Major Carbonnell's has been a heavy blow to you you were so intimate lived together, I believe, did you not?

You must, I'm afraid, allow me to be your debtor," continued the major, in a most insinuating manner. "I did not come here with the intention of playing. I presume I shall find you here to-morrow night." The gentleman bowed, and appeared quite satisfied. Major Carbonnell's partner paid me one hundred and forty pounds, which I put in my pocket-book, and we quitted the club.

"I did intend to scold you well; but I suppose that sad affair of poor Major Carbonnell's has been a heavy blow to you you were so intimate lived together, I believe, did you not?

You must, I'm afraid, allow me to be your debtor," continued the Major, in a most insinuating manner. "I did not come here with the intention of playing. I presume I shall find you here to-morrow night." The gentleman bowed, and appeared quite satisfied. Major Carbonnell's partner paid me one hundred and forty pounds, which I put in my pocket-book, and we quitted the club.

"You have the credit, in the fashionable world, of possessing a large fortune." "That is not my fault, my lord: it is through Major Carbonnell's mistake that the world is deceived. Still I must acknowledge myself so far participator, that I have never contradicted the report." "Meaning, I presume, by some good match, to reap the advantage of the supposition." "Not so, my lord, I assure you.

Our conversation during dinner was desultory, but after the first bottle, Atkinson became communicative, and his history not only made me feel better inclined towards him, but afforded me another instance, as well as Carbonnell's, how often it is that those who would have done well, are first plundered, and then driven to desperation by the heartlessness of the world.

I perceive that you never will. Have you no intention of following up any pursuit?" "Yes, my lord, I intend to search after my father; and I trust that, by husbanding my unexpected resources, I shall now be able." "You have the credit, in the fashionable world, of possessing a large fortune." "That is not my fault, my lord: it is through Major Carbonnell's mistake that the world is deceived.