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Surely there is water enough connected with that controversy to quench any unholy fire that differences of opinion might ignite. George Cokayn appears to have possessed much a kindred spirit with John Bunyan. Some of his expressions are remarkably Bunyanish.

This has the original title, with the real date, 1665, but without a printer's or publisher's name-from which it may be inferred that no one dared to patronize the labours of the poor prisoner-a circumstance tending to make the book more prized by the lovers of Christian liberty. The four dedications are singular, and truly Bunyanish.

'Thus saith the Lord, is the seal of his testimony. The terms 'infallible, 'excommunication, and 'reason, are used in a way not at all Bunyanish. How would his spirit have been grieved at a sentence which occurs: 'Would a heathen god refuse to answer such prayers in which the supplicants were not agreed; and shall we think the true God will answer them? Do stocks or stones answer prayers?

It appears to have been totally unknown to his personal friends, Charles Doe and others, who very carefully gathered up, not only all his published works, but his manuscripts also. An interesting list of these was given in the 'Struggler, 1691. Nor is it found in any publisher's list of Bunyan's Works. The style is not that of Bunyan, nor is it even Bunyanish.

32 This is a truly Bunyanish mode of expression clear, comprehensive, quaint; but so striking as to make an indelible impression. Ed. 33 A life of faith and holiness is the Christian's badge and livery.