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Georgiana, glancing at the first marked reference, found cause to credit this statement, for it read: Cagnetto: Zur Frage der Anat. Beziehung zwischen Akromegalie u. Hypophysistumor, Virchow's Archiv., 1904, clxxvi., 115. Neuer Beitrag. f.

Much has been written on Pedagogy, its history general and special, the common schools and gymnasia; but until 1854 there was not even a general work on the history of the universities. To Karl von Raumer, former Minister of Public Worship in Prussia, we owe the first Beitrag, as he modestly calls it, the fourth volume of his "History of Pedagogy" being devoted exclusively to these.

Recently, too, a little more information concerning the works of both men has become available from the Menon papyrus. K. F. H. Marx, Herophilus, ein Beitrag zur Geschichte der Medizin, Karlsruhe, 1838. It has been found possible to reconstruct especially a treatise on anatomy by Herophilus with a considerable show of probability.

If this view be correct, we should not have the right of establishing the series: gens, compound family, village community the second member of the series having not the same ethnological value as the two others. Stobbe, Beitrag zur Geschichte des deutschen Rechtes, p. 62. See Inama-Sternegg's Die Ausbildung der grossen Grundherrschaften in Deutschland, Bd. i. 1878.

[Footnote 28: “Laurence Sterne und C. M. Wieland, von Karl August Behmer, Forschungen zur neueren Litteraturgeschichte IX. München, 1899. Ein Beitrag zur Erforschung fremder Einflüsse auf Wieland’s Dichtung.” To this reference has been made. There is also another briefer study of this connection: a

'Ueber der Tonapparat der Locustiden, ein Beitrag zum Darwinismus, 'Zeitschrift fur wissenschaft. But Dr. Gruber further shews that their development is in part directly due to the stimulus from the friction of one wing over the other. The left wing, which acts as the bow, lies over the right wing which serves as the fiddle.