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Now, I'm nat'rally avarse to sarpents, and I hate even the word, which, the missionaries tell me, comes from human natur', on account of a sartain sarpent at the creation of the 'arth, that outwitted the first woman; yet, ever since Chingachgook has 'arned the title he bears, why the sound is as pleasant to my ears as the whistle of the whippoorwill of a calm evening it is.

Second place, should obsarve, if she was very fond of places, your honour sorry to move that's a sure sign she won't tire easily; but that if she like you now from fancy, she'll like you by and by from custom. Thirdly, your honour, she should not be avarse to dress a leaning that way shows she has a desire to please: people who don't care about pleasing, always sullen.

Second place, should obsarve, if she was very fond of places, your honour sorry to move that's a sure sign she won't tire easily; but that if she like you now from fancy, she'll like you by and by from custom. Thirdly, your honour, she should not be avarse to dress a leaning that way shows she has a desire to please: people who don't care about pleasing, always sullen.

Honest Joe Basalt and rough-and-ready Jack Tiller consulted daily over the dilemma into which they had fallen. "Hark ye, Jack," said his pal Basalt, "we've bin an' made hasses of ourselves in getting that chap aboard, but our dooty is clear now." "What's that?" "To go and make a clean breast of it to the skipper." "But the cove himself seemed so particular avarse to that." "Cos why?