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Science will even admit the Ascension if you call it Levitation, and will very likely admit the Resurrection when it has thought of another word for it. I suggest the Regalvanisation. But the strongest of all is the dilemma above mentioned, that these supernatural things are never denied except on the basis either of anti-democracy or of materialist dogmatism I may say materialist mysticism.

Socialism is at odds with Liberalism only on the question of the organization of production and of the division of wealth. In religious, intellectual, and moral matters it is liberal, as it is liberal and democratic in its politics. Even the anti-liberalism and anti-democracy of Bolshevism are in themselves purely contingent.

Democracy and Anti-Democracy or, the Nation vs. the States and the People. There are three distinct antagonistic parties now struggling for the control of the national government: 1st. A slavery extension party, ostensibly headed by Breckinridge. 2d. An abolition of slavery party, ostensibly headed by Lincoln, but more truly represented by Seward. 3d.

Science will even admit the Ascension if you call it Levitation, and will very likely admit the Resurrection when it has thought of another word for it. I suggest the Regalvanisation. But the strongest of all is the dilemma above mentioned, that these supernatural things are never denied except on the basis either of anti-democracy or of materialist dogmatism I may say materialist mysticism.