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Sir W. Parish has given me some of these shells, and M. d'Orbigny pronounces them to be: Buccinanops globulosum, d'Orbigny. Olivancillaria auricularia, d'Orbigny. Venus flexuosa, Lam. Mactra Isabellei, d'Orbigny. Ostrea pulchella, d'Orbigny. Voluta colocynthis. Voluta angulata. These shell-beds extend from one league to six leagues from the Plata, and must lie many feet above its level.

Such are the Littorina scabra, on the trunks and branches of mangroves among islets in Trinity Bay; a Phasianella inhabiting the trunks and branches of Rhizophora at the Percy Isles; a Littorina on the leaves of Aigaeceras fragrans at Port Curtis, Auricula angulata, and rugulata on the trunks of mangroves at Port Essington, and Monodonta viridis on their roots at Night Island; a new and very beautiful Ostrea was found on the roots of mangroves among Low Islets in Trinity Bay.

It was found among dead leaves at the roots of trees in Fitzroy Island. Helicina stanleyi. Tab. 3 fig. 4. a, b. Testa lenticularis, superne inferneque convexa, orbicularis, acute carinata, fusco-carnea, spiraliter striata; spira obtusa; anfractus 4 1/2 leviter convexiusculi; basis imperforata, centraliter laevigata, alba; apertura oblique sublunata, angulata; peristoma simplex, tenue.

These three lower beds are covered by an unconformable mantle D of stratified sandy earth, including many pebbles of quartz, pumice and phonolite, land and sea-shells. M. d'Orbigny has been so obliging as to name for me the twenty species of Mollusca embedded in the two gravel beds: they consist of: Volutella angulata, d'Orbigny, "Voyage" Mollusq. and Pal. 2. Voluta Braziliana, Sol 3.