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It would be strange if my first case of this kind should be one of our boarders! What kind of a case do you call it? I said, with a sort of feeling that he could inflict a severe or a light malady on me, as if he were a judge passing sentence. The color reminds me, said Dr. B. Franklin, of what I have seen in a case of Addison's Disease, Morbus Addisonii.

The most curious thing is that when anything is the matter with them you turn of the color of bronze. After all, I didn't mean to say I believed it was Morbus Addisonii; I only thought of that when I saw the discoloration.

No, not "needy," come to think of it. Marcus Aurelius on horseback. Query. Are horses subject to the Morbus Addisonii? Advertise for a bronzed living horse Lyceum invitations and engagements bronze versus brass. What 's the use in being frightened? Bet it was a bump. Pretty certain I bumped my forehead against something. Never heard of a bronzed man before.

Greenhow has published instances of this kind under the name of "vagabond's disease," a disease simulating morbus addisonii, and particularly found in tramps and vagrants. In aged people this condition is the pityriasis nigra of Willan. According to Crocker in two cases reported by Thibierge, the oral mucous membrane was also stained.

The most curious thing is that when anything is the matter with them you turn of the color of bronze. After all, I didn't mean to say I believed it was Morbus Addisonii; I only thought of that when I saw the discoloration.

It would be strange if my first case of this kind should be one of our boarders! What kind of a case do you call it? I said, with a sort of feeling that he could inflict a severe or a light malady on me, as if he were a judge passing sentence. The color reminds me, said Dr. B. Franklin, of what I have seen in a case of Addison's Disease, Morbus Addisonii.

No, not "needy," come to think of it. Marcus Aurelius on horseback. Query. Are horses subject to the Morbus Addisonii? Advertise for a bronzed living horse Lyceum invitations and engagements bronze versus brass. -What 's the use in being frightened? Bet it was a bump. Pretty certain I bumped my forehead against something. Never heard of a bronzed man before.