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The men of Spoleto hastened to "commend" themselves to the pope and the citizens of Fermo, Osimo, and Ancona, and of Citta di Castello, we read, followed their example, and for the feast of Easter 774, Charles appeared in Rome, and was greeted and embraced by the pope at S. Peter's.

It is gratifying also to note that during the year a considerable reduction is shown in the expenditures of the Government. The War Department expenditures for the fiscal year 1900 were $134,774,767.78, a reduction of $95,066,486.69 over those of 1899.

Today all the plants were on board, being in 774 pots, 39 tubs, and 24 boxes. The number of breadfruit plants were 1015, besides which we had collected a number of other plants. The avee, which is one of the finest-flavoured fruits in the world. The ayyah, which is a fruit not so rich but of a fine flavour and very refreshing.

+773+. On the other hand, another rustic figure, the Arcadian herd-god Pan, never developed into a great Hellenic god. He seems to have been an embodiment of the lower rustic pleasures, a local god, probably not a divinized goat. +774+. His name, however, taken to mean 'all, gave occasion to fanciful interpretations.

The identification of the seventh head will now make the matter complete. The facts all meet in the Carlovingian empire, or the empire of Charlemagne. In the year 774 Charlemagne completed the work begun by Pepin twenty years before and overthrew the kingdom of the Lombards in Italy, which was the last of the three horns plucked up before the little horn of Daniel.

My Countrymen have not the same sentiments for me that I have for them." Ep. 65. p. 773. Ibid. 67. p. 774. Ibid. 68. p. 774. 69. p. 775. 7. p. 775. Ibid. 79. p. 778. Ep. 149. p. 84. Ep. 267 p. 100. Ibid. 201. p. 72. Ep. 85. p. 780.