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Six months later the same cat led me to a courtyard opposite the Sacristy door and proudly exhibited three kittens. Jacopo Pesaro's tomb is near the Baptistery. The enormous and repellent tomb on the same wall as the Titian altar-piece is that of a later Pesaro, Giovanni, an unimportant Doge of Venice for less than a year, 1658-1659.

See, too, the words of Thomas Ady, A Candle in the Dark, 105. Cal. St. P., Dom., 1658-1659, 169. When the council of state, however, in 1652 had issued an act of general pardon, witchcraft had been specifically reserved, along with murder, treason, piracy, etc. Cal. St. P., Dom., 1651-1652, 106. Inderwick, Interregnum, 231.

Radisson was on the spot a week after the tragedy; so that his account may be supposed to be as accurate as any. Mr. Benjamin Sulte states that the explorers wintered on Green Bay, 1658-1659, then visited the tribes between Milwaukee and the river Wisconsin in the spring of 1659. Here they learn of the Sioux and the Crees.

Those now there came from the Bocche and Montenegro, settled in 1658-1659 by Doge Giovanni Pesaro, after the great plague. The women still wear the ancient costume. The Slavs are most numerous between Dragogna and Trieste.