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On the Atlantic coast, Sahara is a French protectorate, Adrar is claimed by Spain, Senegambia is a French trading settlement, Gambia is a British crown colony, Sierra Leone is a British crown colony.

There is no government, and strictly speaking no central authority; each town and village has its own chief. The mode of life is patriarchal. A great many Moorish merchants are settled in the town, and rapidly make fortunes there. They receive consignments of merchandise from Adrar, Tafilet, Ghât, Ghâdames, Algiers, Tunis, and Tripoli.

You almost lost your life, that time?" "Only by the thickness of a semmah seed did I preserve it," answered the Frenchman. "My mechanician, Lebon, and I we fell among them on account of engine trouble, near the oasis of Adrar, not far from here. We had no machine-gun nothing but revolvers. We stood them off for seven hours, before they rushed us.

The Sultan of Adrar, the Sultan of Iguidi, the Sultan of El Djouf, the Sultan of the Tuaregs, the Sultan of Aubata, the Sultan of Brakna and Frerzon, all these am I, the Sultan of Sultans, grandson of Mahomet, son of Allah, I, I, I, Arsène Lupin!

Philippine Islands 114,326 7,000,000 Sulu Islands 950 73,000 Caroline Islands and Palaos 560 36,000 Marianne Islands 420 10,172 Total Asiatic possessions 116,256 7,121,172 Possessions in Africa Rio de Oro and Adrar 243,000 100,000 Ifni 27 6,000 Fernando Po, Annabon, Corsico, Elobey, San Juan 850 30,000 Total African possessions 243,877 136,000