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Eversley, Second Sunday in Lent, 1872. St Matthew xv. 22-28. "And, behold, a woman of Canaan came out of the same coasts, and cried unto him, saying, Have mercy on me, O Lord, thou son of David; my daughter is grievously vexed with a devil. But he answered her not a word. And his disciples came and besought him, saying, Send her away; for she crieth after us.

See Guide to Grand-Jurymen, Dedication. Ibid., 11-12. Ibid., 53. Ibid., 214. This he did on the authority of a repentant Mr. Edmonds, of Cambridge, who had once been questioned by the University authorities for witchcraft. Ibid., 136-138. Guide to Grand-Jurymen, 22-28. He was "for the law, but agin' its enforcement." Ibid., 92. Ibid., 94, 97.

Further, we have the example of Jehu, who is commended for the destroying of Baal out of Israel, with his image, his house, and his very vestments, 2 Kings x. 22-28.

James Mountjoy's boys: "Trust in the giver of the harvest." Luke xii, 22-28. Another boys' class: "The harvest of the world." Rev. xiv, 13-17. Still another: "The harvest of the tares." Matthew xiii, 37-43. And then the whole school sang: "What shall the harvest be?" Then the recitations commenced again. First class: "Men compared to fruit-trees." Matt, vii, 16-20.

For remarks on Chichester Cathedral, see Archaeologia, xvii., pp. 22-28: "Observations on the Origin of Gothic Architecture." By G. Saunders, 1814. This process of reconstruction shows that the mediæval builders did not restore in duplication of what had been lost. Where their work was destroyed they built anew and improved upon what had gone.