United States or Kuwait ? Vote for the TOP Country of the Week !

Beyond the little span of his foresight and love, each is merely a physical agency, preparing the way quite irresponsibly for undreamt-of revolutions and alien lives. A truly rational morality, or social regimen, has never existed in the world and is hardly to be looked for. What guides men and nations in their practice is always some partial interest or some partial disillusion.

At the head of the gangway the hosts received their guests, and the numbers in which they trooped on board gave some warrant to Lionel Beauchamp's laughing assertion that giving a party in London is something like the making of a snowball: it increases with undreamt-of rapidity. "Twenty-five guests apiece, Mrs.

Only the lonely, crooning voice of silence strikes in monotones on my ear, and the dark monsters out there will draw me to them when night comes, and they will bear me far across the sea, through strange lands where no man dwells, and they will bear me to Princess Ylajali's palace, where an undreamt-of grandeur awaits me, greater than that of any other man.

Invite the attendants to the third Bahá’í Intercontinental Conference to befittingly commemorate the undreamt-of climax of the brilliant victories won in the course of the second Seven Year Plan, eclipsing the feats accomplished in the Latin American field in the course of the first Seven Year Plan and presaging the tremendous triumph to be won in the course of the third Seven Year Plan in the African, Asiatic and Australian continents.

The East Side, where the home struggled against such heavy odds, became a sinkhole of undreamt-of corruption. The tenements were overrun with lewd women who paid the police for protection and received it. Back of them the politician who controlled all and took the profits.