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Ah! good Frenchman, I would willingly take them, for I know that you have as much as you please in your own country; but at this moment it would deprive you of the pleasure of the chace. No, take it all. Take my advice Toubabe: let us divide it, that will be better. In fact, they divided. The black invited Mr. Corréard to enter his hut to refresh himself.

Kummer took advantage of this favorable moment, to ask for his watch; and the King ordered his son to return it to the Toubabe, who then commenced his narrative; and as in the course of it he called the Ex-Emperor, sometimes Buonaparte, and sometimes Napoleon, a Marabou, at the name of Buonaparte, interrupted him, and asked if he was the general whose armies he had seen in Upper Egypt, when he was going on his pilgrimage to Mecca, to which Mr.

The ceremony being over, the prince and his suite, continued their route in the direction of the South East, which again frightened the poor Toubabe; he thought that the Moors were going to resume their course to the North, and that in the end they would take him to Morocco; then he endeavoured to impart his uneasiness to Prince Muhammed, who at last comprehended him; but to make it quite clear, Mr.

"Come Toubabe," said he, "come, my women shall give you some milk and millet flour, and you shall smoke a pipe with me." Mr.

After taking whatever they could carry away, they set out towards the East, and at the end of about two leagues, they met some other Moors, also subjects of Prince Muhammed; they stopped and lay down under their tents: the Prince lay down under the finest, and ordered refreshments to be given to the Toubabe, who was worn out with fatigue and want of nourishment. Here Mr.