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And I declare if I had kent what way it wass, I would not put a hand to such a piece of pusiness." "That is handsomely said," I replied, "and I am sure you will not stand up a second time to be the actor for my private enemies." "Indeed, no, Palfour," said he; "and I think I wass used extremely suffeeciently myself to be set up to fecht with an auld wife, or all the same as a bairn whateffer!

"That is handsomely said," I replied, "and I am sure you will not stand up a second time to be the actor for my private enemies." "Indeed, no, Palfour," said he; "and I think I was used extremely suffeeciently myself to be set up to fecht with an auld wife, or all the same as a bairn whateffer! And I will tell the Master so, and fecht him, by Cot, himself!" "And if you knew the nature of Mr.

"I thought Virginie not suffeeciently clayver for to effect zis!" said Mademoiselle. "Of custome, she shows not what do you say? invention." "Oh, she simply wears the costume, with her own peculiar little air of dignity. Maine designed it. Maine is costumer in chief. The Valiant Three, Maine, Massachusetts, and Tennessee, took all the unpractical girls in hand, and simply dressed them.

And I declare if I had kent what way it wass, I would not put a hand to such a piece of pusiness." "That is handsomely said," I replied, "and I am sure you will not stand up a second time to be the actor for my private enemies." "Indeed, no, Palfour," said he; "and I think I was used extremely suffeeciently myself to be set up to fecht with an auld wife, or all the same as a bairn whateffer!