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Johann, the suburb of Saarbruecken, in the early evening of the 8th August, the next day but one after the battle of the Spicheren. Saarbruecken was full to the door-sills with the wounded of the battle and stretcher-parties were continually tramping to the "warriors' trench" in the cemetery, carrying to their graves soldiers who had died of their wounds.

Our stretcher-parties have been very busy, but how many men we have lost since the armistice was deliberately broken no one knows. Yesterday a French captain, a gallant officer, who feared nothing, was shot dead through the head, making the ninth officer killed or severely wounded since the beginning.

At midnight every road and track leading to the forward trenches had been brimming with men, with regiments tramping slowly or squatting stolidly by the roadside, smoking much and talking little, had been crawling with transport, with ammunition carts, and ambulances and stretcher-parties, and sappers heavily laden with sandbags and rolls of barbed wire.

They can tell from the stretcher-parties that come in at all hours of the day and night, and pass down to the hospital, what success the Chinese fire is having, but beyond this they know nothing. They secretly hope, most of them, that it will remain like this to the end; that bullets and shells may scream overhead, but that they may be left attending to minor affairs.

This is a Heaven-sent 'problem' and we'll solve it and I'll quote it in my 'manual'. Quite war-conditions. Very badly wounded man inaccessible position stretcher-parties all out of sight aeroplane can't land for any first-aid nor to pick up the casualty excellent problem and demonstration. That oont will simplify it, though.