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Smith, F., on the Cynipidae and Tenthredinidae; on the relative size of the sexes of Aculeate Hymenoptera; on the difference between the sexes of ants and bees; on the stridulation of Trox sabulosus; on the stridulation of Mononychus pseudacori. Smynthurus luteus, courtship of. Snakes, sexual differences of; mental powers of; male, ardency of. "Snarling muscles."

It is a small tubercle, with chitinous walls, forming two valves from between which is forced out a fleshy sucker, or, as in Smynthurus, a pair of long tubes, which are capable of being darted out on each side of the body, enabling the insect to attach itself to smooth surfaces, and rest in an inverted position.

Wallace's claim to the origination of the idea of natural selection; on the former barbarism of civilised nations; on improvements in the arts among savages; on resemblances of the mental characters in different races of men; on the arts practised by savages; on the power of counting in primeval man; on the prehensile organs of the male Labidocera Darwinii; on Chloeon; on Smynthurus luteus; finding of new mates by jays; on strife for women among the North American Indians; on music; on the ornamental practices of savages; on the estimation of the beard among the Anglo-Saxons; on artificial deformation of the skull; on "communal marriages;" on exogamy; on the Veddahs; on polyandry.

Eyes eight on each side, on the top of the head. Legs long and slender. Saltatory appendage with a supplementary segment. Smynthurus. Antennæ four-jointed, bent at the insertion of the fourth, which is nearly as long as the other three, and appears to consist of many small segments. No conspicuous dorsal tubercles. Dicyrtoma. Antennæ eight-jointed, five before, three after the bend.

Lubbock found a simple system of tracheæ in Smynthurus which opens by "two spiracles in the head, opposite the insertion of the antennæ," i. e., on the back of the head.